Valet Masters is based in Katy, Texas and we are proud to serve the community we live in. We take pride in our exceptional customer service, and we are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. We strive to build long term relationships with our clients, and we are committed to providing the highest level of service at all times. Contact us today to learn more about our valet trash services and how we can help keep your community clean.
Residents will be provided with a 13 gallon trash bin. All they need to do is simply tie their trash bag that is in the provided bin and place it outside of their doorstep at the designated collection time and bring the trash bin back inside the next morning. Any cardboard trash can be neatly placed next to your trash bin and please double bag any ripped or leaking trash bags.
Being a local company, we want nothing more than to see our community thrive. That is why with Valet Masters you can always expect exceptional service and easily contact us instead of dealing with an out of state vendor. Our job is to provide residents with the most used amenity while being able to help properties increase their net income. We love where we live, and our service reflects that.